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MANAGE STRESS , Stimulates secretion of thyroid hormone Release stress, anxiety and depression Provides relief from inflammation and pain.

DP: 325.00/- MRP: 475.00/-

Product Description

BENEFITS: Ashwagandha is also known as INDIAN GINSENG and WINTER CHERRY. The name ‘Ashwa-gandha’ suggests of horse like smell. Ashwagandha is classified as an adaptogen, means it can help your body to manage stress. It can reduce blood sugar levels through its effects on insulin secretion and sensitivity. It promotes the death of tumor cells and so effective against many types of cancers. It can reduce cortisol levels in chronically stressed individuals, helps to reduce stress and anxiety and it may help reduce depression. Ashwaghanda helps increase testosterone levels and significantly boosts sperm quality and fertility in men. It can increase muscle mass, reduce body fat and increase strength in men. It may help reduce the risk of heart disease by decreasing cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It may improve brain function, including memory reaction time and ability to perform tasks.